Back to basic swimming


by Giancarlo De Leo

In recent years, water-based sports, fitness, and wellness activities have multiplied exponentially.

From a business perspective and for advancing the culture of water, this phenomenon is undoubtedly beneficial.

On the other hand, the numerous and varied activities that are currently taking place in the swimming pool often distract human and technical resources and, mostly, even users from achieving the main objective of swimming schools; the one for which they were born, their first and real reason to be …

This simple consideration leads to a new mission: re-evaluate and emphasize the research and guided discovery of personal aquatic skills, elevating them to the highest level.

Hence the need to refocus on the real goal: that is to say, the consolidation of safety and self awareness in the water and of the water; the construction and improvement of the basic and essential swimming skills of each user of the pool.

How to achieve the result? through a series of educational experiences and exercises developed and tested for this purpose in over 40 years of teaching swimming and almost 30 as an instructor trainer.

Unexpected outcomes naturally emerged and far beyond the first aims: the appearance and definition of the contours of a new discipline with unique contours.

Paradoxically, at first glance, it might seem like just another creative attempt to monetize a water-based fitness activity; However, it embodies the heart and the essence of pure swimming:


Giancarlo De Leo

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